In 2006, I was going through a bad separation, and I had asked Yah to give me something other than what I was doing at the time (Accounting) to get me through this trying time. I had contacted a friend who had just come from Ghana and introduced me to an evangelist from Ghana. I spoke about the beautiful skin that they had and I wanted to know more about the products they were using. Soon thereafter, I was sent 20 pounds of pure shea butter and Ghana . With this he told me that I could do great things with this so let Yah be my guide.
Explore Our New Collections
Butter Me Up Shea Butter
Wonderful product for everyday use. This product is also natural and helps keep your skin moisturized and glowing. It also helps get rid of blemishes, reducing the look of aging skin. Doesn’t leave you left with a greasy feeling, just natural glowing skin. These come in the current fragrances that are known to last all day …
Butter Me Up Shea Butter – Eczema Formula
This product is great for Eczema, extreme dry skin, relieves sunburn, itchy irritated insect bites, really effective with aging skin. Relieves itchy skin due to surgery, helps reduce scarring and other skin irritations. This product is gentle enough for babies. No additives, unnatural preservatives, waxes or emulsifiers. Gentle for everyday use. All Natural! All ingredients you can eat off your table.